
Q1.What is CodeIgniter?

Q2. Features of CodeIgniter?

Q3. Folder Structure of CodeIgniter?

Q4. What is MVC?

Q5. Use of autoload.php file in CodeIgniter?

Q6. How to link CSS, images, js in CodeIgniter?

Q7. How to remove index.php from URL in CodeIgniter?

Q8. Url Structure of CodeIgniter?

Q9. Routes in CodeIgniter?

Q10. Hooks in CodeIgniter?

Q11. CRUD operation in CodeIgniter?

Q12. Session Concept in CodeIgniter?

Q13. How to change the default Controller?

Q14. What is a helper in CodeIgniter?

Q15.How to create a custom library in CodeIgniter?

Q16. Security methods in CodeIgniter and How to use them?

Q17. Form Validation in CodeIgniter?

Q18. How does CodeIgniter Works?


I hope these questions will help the fresher developers to crack the interview, soon we will update the interview questions with answers on our website.


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